Analyzing Obama’s Afghanistan Speech

President Obama’s decision to send 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan made headlines in papers across the country this morning.

Here’s a sampling of some of the stories, editorials and analysis:


The president made five strong points in his speech about the war says an editorial in the Chicago Tribune.

The Wall Street Journal says it supports the decision but cautions “nations should never start (much less escalate) wars they don’t intend to win.” That fits well with the front page of Rupert Murdoch’s other paper, the New York Post. The Post says the word “win” was absent from a 4,581 word speech.

The LA Times writes that the president focused on “time as an ally” in the fight against al-Queda forces in the country.

The New York Times writes that Obama’s strategy offered something for those who believe in the war and those who think we should pull out.


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