My Fake Lady

I never Tebowed. When taking a knee in prayer at the grocery store or in line for the movies was all the rage, I stayed up right. But this morning at work, I Teoed. I couldn’t help myself.  The New York Post says Teoing—snapping a photo of yourself with an arm slung around your fake girlfriend—is the latest practical joke to go viral. There’s a dedicated hashtag of Twitter (#Teoing) and at least one Tumblr page dedicated to making fun of the Notre Dame linebacker’s bizarre girlfriend hoax

This Post illustrates the trend with this gem from


While some chose to go the arm-around-the-air route, others on the Teoing blog got a little more creative:

Teoing Bike

And then there’s this one, a brilliant mash up of two news stories bouncing around today. Caption: “Teoing since 1996.”

Teoing Lance


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